This section isn't getting much attention these days... but current sound design and mix projects are getting posted to Vimeo.
As time permits, I'll collect creative projects into a more comprehensive portfolio site. But for now this old one, and the links on the home page will have to suffice!
You can also find me @jeremiahmoore on twitter
Currently developing projects in the following areas:
Selected Recent Work
Listen Toward the Ground
For ISEA 2012 Machine Wilderness, Albuquerque New Mexico
A site-specific composed soundscape work, designed for listening to while walking. Using headphones and a voice-guided tour format, it superimposes the soundscape of oilfield infrastructure onto the soundscape of downtown albuquerque.
Project Page, including sound downloads:
Video POV Walkthrough:
Phantom Power: Cycles
Crowd-amplified public soundscape work, presented by Me-di-ate's Project Soundwave in Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Visitors carrying a hundred or more boom-boxes and other portable amplifiers circumambulated Yerba Buena Gardens, playing back a set of multichannel soundfiles composed for a particular walking pattern. The composition brought us through the age of oil into the age of bicycles, in sound.
Space for Slow Time: Synchronous Forest
Installation work for CCA Playspace Gallery.
Single Channel Video Projection, Four Channel Sound, Spiral Scrim.
The piece takes the primary form of a large spiral - perhaps reminiscent of a tree trunk - composed of one part diaphanous fabric, one part projected video. Projected onto this spiral are slow and gently crossfading images, drifting from a rotating tree-trunk bark-scape to a daydream of gold-green flowering branches wafting in breeze. A partly physical partly electronic space for contemplation.
Narrated walkthrough:
Audiovisual experience:
Sound Design and Mix: 3.1 channel collaborative soundwork for video installation by Doug Hall, with runs at Fort Point for International Orange and the San Jose Museum of Art. Sound composed by Jim McKee, Joan Jeanrenaud and Jeremiah Moore.
password: goodsound
Food Safety Enhancement
A sound poem about the Federal Food Safety Enhancement Act
Food Safety Enhancement is sound piece, a soundpoem of sorts, by sound artist Jeremiah Moore, commissioned by dancer/choreographer Rowena Richie. It was created as a kind of personalized response to a piece of legislation which was being discussed a lot in the spring of 2009 - the Federal Food Safety Enhancement Act - and in particular a part of it which some were calling "Scorched Earth" - which promoted the idea of creating "Sterile Buffer Zones" around farmer's fields. But really the piece is about disconnects: About technocracy trying to regulate the interstice where commerce and industry meet growing things. It ended up taking this fragmentary, internal narrative sort of form, hinting at internal imagery and confusion at the information in the news.
Bay Area Sound Ecology (BASE)
Co-chair of an organization promoting social experiences around listening. We've host an ongoing series of occasional listening salons, soundwalks, and other events.
Member of founding group of a new arts organization fostering listening and perception, centered around a unique acoustic space in Rangely Colorado called The Tank. Raised $46K on Kickstarter. Now at the beginning of a long process of forging the future of this place. With Bruce Odland and a number of other artists.
12/1/2011 Interactive and Animation Sound Design
I was asked by Organic to create sounds for, a large interactive website targetting potential Meth users, answering questions and providing a lot of information about the effects and dangers of Meth. You may have seen other parts of the integrated campaign. For instance the TV spots by Darren Aronofsky got a lot of attention. (I didn't work on those however.)
My work spanned two areas: Sound Design for Interactive Modules (little explanatory flash-based "web games") and Animated Films. Links to each are below.
I'm sorry for the huge pile of links, I know it's overwhelming... but each one is quite different, and I'm proud of the work on all of them. Check out the animation material for sure.
The Downward Spiral (Pinball)
"Will Meth Make Me Lose Control?"
"Psychotic Behavior" (Meth-Induced Psychosis)
"Chasing the High" (Ring the Bell)
"An Unstable Recipe (Meth Lab)"
Drag items into beaker.
"Arrhythmia" (The Heart in Overdrive)
"How it Works" (Dopamine)
What does a meth hit do in your brain?
"Crap Shoot / Dice Roll"
"How Dangerous is Meth?"
An Uncertain Future (Tarot Deck)
"Does Meth Have Long-Term Effects?"
"The Perfect Storm" (Meth Mouth)
Sounds for tooth grinding, poor diet.
Kara's Story (Blacked Out)
Oriah's Story (Violence)
Ashley's Story (Crank Bugs)
Hailey's Story (Tooth Crumbled)
Bernadette's Story (Best Friend)
Superbowl Shuffle Redux
The 2010 Superbowl ad I worked on was the Superbowl Shuffle Redux, for Boost Mobile.
The commercial was shot on greenscreen all over the country, wherever the players are now. I worked on the Bay Area shoot - assembling a temporary recording studio to record Mike Singletary's rap and other voice material. I provided rough mixes for lipsync during the shoot, and edited vocal comps and beat-sync'ed raw takes for the composer to include in the final track. I also supplied consultation on timecode and workflow for the music video and sync-sound components of the shoot.
You can hear all of Singletary's stuff in the full version of the video on the website
Here is our temporary autonomous timecoded recording studio, set up in a TV producers' office in Oakland:
New Reel Channel on VIMEO
I've recently posted an up-to-date collection of videos to a new Vimeo Channel. This will be kept up-to-date with new material. Thanks for taking a look and a listen!
Hula Hooping is now an Olympic Sport
I'm pleased to present this latest sound design project, for an interactive campaign for the International Olympic Committee. I was contracted to produce sounds for the website as well as for several videos and video interstitials and packaging. Fun! The site has gotten great press, including a prominent article in the New York Times.
client: The International Olympic Committee
agency: C&W United
production company: Mekanism
Putting a Face on the Web for Nike
I did this job for Nike, an interactive send-a-friend-a-customized-animated-video campaign, created by Mekanism. It promotes the Nike+ Human Race event. The fun challenge was getting the voice to sound smooth across all these variable points in which the sender's name, recipient's name, or lines about the recipient's running ability or online activities are inserted. Delivering millions of assets (OK, about 1000) and keeping it all straight across dozens of deliveries, approval rounds, and timing tweaks. Also designed a cool sound for the webpage turning into a face, and back. Try it out - it's safe to use, won't turn your email address into a sales lead or anything. Client: Nike+
Chagall and the Artists of the Russian Jewish Theater, 1919-1949
April 23, 2009 - September 7, 2009
Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
ongoing touring schedule
I mixed a short film titled "Balancing Acts: A Jewish Theater in the Soviet Union" which is part of this exhibit. Narrated by Ed Asner. A film by Sam Ball, Kate Stilley and William Susman. Produced by Citizen Film.
Excerpt from "Balancing Acts: A Jewish Theater in the Soviet Union" from Citizen Film on Vimeo.
Angel Island Immigration Station - Soundscapes for Chinese American History
Felicia Lowe and I created soundscape interpretations for three barracks environments at the Angel Island Immigration Station Museum. We had numerous recording sessions all over San Francisco, chasing down music cues and many voices and dialects to be represented in the space. We also took several trips to the island to perform foley live on-site. It was an honor to be involved in this historic project.
The sound is currently not installed due to california budget shortfall - please contact me if you'd like to hear once it's up and running.
Slamdance Premiere: "Oh My God It's Harrod Blank"
David Silberberg's feature doc premieres at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Final mix by Jeremiah Moore.
See It:
Friday Jan 16th, 2009, 3pm, Treasure Mountain Inn Gallery, Park City
Friday Jan 23rd, 2009, 10am, Treasure Mountain Inn Gallery, Park City
And if you're in Park City, Call me! I'll be there.
Dodge Trucks: Interactive Sound Design
Completed sound design for a high-impact panoramic website for Dodge Ram Trucks. Lots of panel slides and hits; heavy impact to accompany the Tony Scott style. For Mekanism.
The Jewish Museum NYC: Chagall and the Artists of the Russian Jewish Theater, 1919-1949
Balancing Acts: a Jewish Theater in the Soviet Union
A film by Sam Ball, Kate Stilley and William Susman. Narrated by Ed Asner. A Citizen Film production.
Excerpt viewable at
A short film documenting the life of Soviet Jewish theater actor and director Solomon Mikhoels. Part of a travelling exhibit opening in NYC in November 2008, travelling to San Francisco in spring 2009, for other dates and locations see the website. I provided sound editorial and mixing.
Need for Speed Undercover - panoramic sound for EA
San Francisco's Mekanism created this immersive 3-D panoramic websie promoting EA's driving game Need For Speed. I was tapped to furnish sound: three immersive designed-sound environments, each comprised of two loops which shift in perspective as the user rotates through the panorama. And a set of glass shard interface sounds.
Click on the "map" in the upper left of the site to select between the three environments. Headphones highly recommended!
"Time – Listening to the heartbeat of time" Opens in Taiwan
An installation by artist Su-Chen Hung mounted at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art. Su-Chen and I developed, and I prepared, the ticking-clock sound set for this exhibition.
Museum site: Chinese / English
AMD "The Future is Fusion" Logo Sound Design
Play: Badge Quicktime
Play: Flying Logo Quicktime
All original sound design for AMD's "The Future is Fusion" rebranding campaign.
Agency: Young and Rubicam, San Francisco
Roughly 95% of the source sound elements are entirely original.
NetJets Alphonse Video
Globe trotting caninism from director Eric Peltier. Sound design and mix on this one.
Going On Thirteen premieres at Tribeca
Go Kristy and Dawn and the rest of the Going On Thirteen team! You can read or subscribe to the filmmakers blog for updates. (I believe they'll announce any upcoming screenings there.)
Donny Wants Lee to lick his hand
Hot off the presses, this piece for sobe lifewater was mixed on Monday... just under 1.5 million views in two days... not too shabby! With Ian Kovalik, Andre Ricciardi, Bill Wier, Chris Weldon of Mekanism
Pocket-Dialed by Toyota Matrix:
Mekanism and Saatchi LA masterminded a massive interactive prank experience for Toyota Matrix, spanning a world of digital and mobile media. As part of the project, I engineered a series of pocket-dialed phone calls from the characters in the "game." We recorded clean audio in a booth, and I developed a scheme for processing it all to sound as if it were pocket-dialed from a cell phone. About 4000 edited and processed audio assets were delivered to telephony and web progammers in two formats, with detailed asset lists developed in conjunction with post supervisor Mike Cavanaugh.
Palm Centro dot Com: Cool Noises for a New Phone Site
Jeremiah Moore Sound completed sound design for the Palm Centro microsite, with the interactive department of Y&R San Francisco. There is an accompanying banner-ad campaign, with ambient sound.
The Key of G on PBS and DVD
"The Key of G" is now available on DVD fom Lateral Films, and is being carried nationally by PBS. Local stations schedule it independently, so please lobby them to show it! Check airtimes here.
7/1/07 wins DA&D Yellow Pencil and 2 Cannes Cyber Lions
Mekanism / McCann Erickson's Windows Vista buzz campaign (for which I did the sound design) won a DA&D Yellow Pencil for Best Website 2007 - Writing.
The site also won a Cannes Cyber Lion - twice - for Best Interactive Campaigns and Best Microsites. Bravo Mekanism!
2K Sports All Pro Football 2K8 webisodes launch
2k Sports, the video game developer, just launched a series of six sound-heavy webisodes designed and mixed here. Agency: EVB; Producer: Raub Shapiro. Hopefully the videos will stay up at the link - otherwise click "videos".
The Key of G Premiere at SF International Film Festival
Robert Arnold's The Key of G premiered at the 50th annual San Francisco International Film Festival. Sound Design and Mix was completed last December at Jeremiah Moore Sound.
Sprint Interactive Video Site: Sound Design
Ever experienced connectile dysfunction? Sprint commisssioned Mekanism to build this site to create buzz over their EVDO broadband internet-over-cellular service.
The centerpiece is a viral "send to a friend" video in which the target's name and profession are inserted seamlessly into the playback.
Making the audio experience as seamless as possible was a fun challenge, involving mix continuity through hundreds of small clips.
Let's Green This City Viral Videos Sound Design
A set of twelve videos designed and mixed in record time for PG&E's earth-day related green campaign for San Francisco. A cool mix of live action and some very cool animation.
Windows Mobile:
Work Wherever Microsite Sound Design
Here's a really funny site for Microsoft's Windows Mobile. The tag line: Test the limits of what one man can work through. Basically, you get to do all kinds of crazy things to this guy, like shoot a hamburger at him out of a tennisball cannon. Meanwhile, he's working away on excel spreadsheets and word docs on his (surprise surprise) Windows Mobile gadget. The guy's name is Frank. But I'm not sure it says that anywhere in the site. [side note: if only they'd let me fix up the production sound... it's not so hot, full of extraneous bass rumble etc, but the sound effects sure are!] This is rated G so show the kiddies!
Saving the Family Farm: Hidden
Kitchens on NPR
I worked with the Kitchen Sisters to edit and mix their latest sonic tapestry: a Hidden Kitchens piece centered around the Farm Aid organization and concert. Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews, Neil Young and a host of family farmers and food activists converge. Aired on Morning Edition on Thanksgiving day.
Microsoft Windows Vista:
with Demetri Martin
Sound design for 1) a series of Webisodes and 2) a website
replete with gadzooks of ironic humorousness. And occasional passed-off mention
of the "Product" being marketed, Windows Vista. What you call an "awareness
campaign" folks.
Also there are some TV spots and a special on Comedy Central which I mixed the "pods" for, which is where MS bought all the ad time during the show and put funny vignettes in it. Really tongue in cheek funny!
With Mekanism and McCann.
Here's a rundown on the supreme effectiveness of the campaign!
/ Microsoft Zune microsite sound design
What do you do when you're big, and you're launching a product that competes with a total phenomenon at the height of it's phenomenonality? You make a weird website right? That's what Microsoft's doing for the highly anticipated launch of the Zune player, Redmond's answer to the iPod.
I'm designing the sound for the site Loads of fun sounds, including a moog-driven UFO.
(update - the site has won an ID award)
Electronic Musician Magazine: Whoa - Back Up
An editor from Electronic Musician magazine interviewed me for this article about backup strategies.
Key of G Documentary - ITVS green light
Robert Arnold's Key of G has recieved funding from ITVS. This should be one of the interesting projects of the year, an opportunity to provide some interesting experimental sound. Lindsay Sablosky, producer; Vivian Kleiman, executive producer.
1/6/06 Character and Style for Current
TV Launch
Television as a two-way street: the dream is becoming real - Grab your DV camera! Every two weeks since October 2005, Current TV has launched a new episode of their Awaiting Input campaign. Highly stylized animaged seques make for interesting sound design challenges. And a cool robot, VC2 aka ViC, represents the power of everyperson to contribute programming to Current. An opportinity to pull out the old synths: a Moog Sonic 6 and Roland Jupiter 6, and a dash of the modern with NI Kontakt. Sound design and mix by jm.
Pac-Man Puppet Show (Gametap) :60 an Adweek spot-of-the-year
for 2005
Pac-Man Puppet Show, a campaign for Gametap directed by Tommy Means was included in Adweek's best-spots-of-the-year for 2005. It's set in a stylized and timeless Tijuana outskirt where all these mexican kids come to see an extremely low-tech puppet show version of Pac-Man. Mixed by jm.
Launch video
Another FWA Site-of-the-Day: Juvenile Destructo-Humor
A site I recently finished sound design and mixing for,, was Favorite Website Awards' site of the day for Nov 30, 2005. It's a cool flash interface, moving seamlessly between widescreen video and interactive stills, and a good demonstration of excellent quality video and sound on the web. Imagery is beautiful, shot on film and 24p HD with film lenses. Plus it's dang funny. A product of Tommy Means and the inimitiable mekanism.
King Kong Production Diaries DVD: Over 80 audio menus
and transitions
Peter Jackson and company have been posting production diaries and post-production diaries to their web fansite over the course of making King Kong. The production diaries are appearing in stores as a special, limited edition DVD as the movie opens (December 15, 2005). Company Wide Shut did the extensive and elegant DVD menu interface design and production, enlisting me to design and mix the audio for over 80 menus and transitions in stereo and 5.1 surround. Unfortunately, the discs' data budget precluded the use of the surround mixes. Thanks to Thom Loftus for editing and Ron MacLeod for sharing the alpha of his new surround technology.
11/23/05 is FWA Site-of-the-Day is Favorite Website Awards' site of the day for Nov 23, 2005. An interactive prequel to the game, sound is used to make the creepy experience an immersive one. Directed and produced by Conor McCann.
Here's sombody else's blurb on it: "The site, a unique combination of linear and non-linear story telling, is in an interactive flash environment designed to get viewers involved and familiar with the game and its characters by the time Condemned: Criminal Origins launches."
wins Cannes Gold
Makanism's hilarious episodic campaign for SEGA won the Cannes Cyber Lion Grand Prix this year. The full title helps describes the scenario aptly: "The true adventures of Chad, the boy who was so into Super Monkeyball Deluxe that he decided to live in a ball."
The pieces were a great opportunity for sound design, adding a level of bouncy, stretchy tactile realism to the ball. My personal favorite moment is the little foley sounds in the leadup to the swimming pool sequence.
Launch video for: Class | Pool
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