
Survey works on time - these books would be a good introduction:

Time, Rhythm and Repose
Marie-Louise von Franz An excellent survey of philosophy and myth on time presented in an accessible format, with pages and pages of wonderful images. Thames and Hudson 1980
ISBN 0-500-81016-8

Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Marshall McLuhan McLuhan's comprehensive work on media. See especially chapter 15,"Clocks: The Scent of Time." McGraw Hill Paperbacks 1965
Library of Congress Catalog No: 64-16296

The Dance of Life
Edward T. Hall "The Dance of Life reveals the ways in which individuals in a culture are tied together by invisible threads of rhythm and yet isolated from each other by hidden walls of time." A fascinating book. Anchor Books/Doubleday 1983
ISBN 0-385-19248-7

Time's Arrows
Richard Morris A survey of philosophy of time, relating in particular to physics and culture. Simon and Schuster 1984
ISBN 0-671-50158-5

Inner Time
Carol Orlock And excellent introduction to the concepts of ChronoBiology - the science of biological and chemical clocks within living organisms. Birch Lane Press 1993
ISBN 1-55972-194-4

Academic texts on time:

Time in History
G. J. Whitrow A rather dense but very useful comprehensive history of the development of ideas on time from prehistory to the present. Oxford University Press 1988
ISBN 0-19-285211-6

The Philosophy of Time
Richard M. Gale, Editor A collection of 23 important essays and discussions on the philosophy of time, from Aristotle to St. Augustine to various modern theorists. Humanities Press
ISBN 0-391-00895-1 (USA version, paperbound)

Other interesting reading relating to time:

John Cage A collection of highly influential essays and lectures by composer John Cage outlining his theories on sound and the lack thereof, on the beauty of chance happenings and methods in music, and on time and space in music. Wesleyan 1993
ISBN 0-8195-6028-6

The Medium is the Massage
Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore The influential text and graphical essay about media and culture Bantam Books 1967

The Music of the Spheres, vol's I and II
Guy Murchie These books explain and explore the theories on the boundaries of physics. Vol. I concerns itself with large scale physics - the Solar System up to the structure of the Universe as a whole, while Vol II concerns itself with small scale physics from the Solar System down to subatomic particle theory. Dover Press 1967
ISBN 0-486-21810-4


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TimeWorks was created by Jeremiah Lyman Moore